A Biweekly Brown Bag Seminar Series
Topics Relating to Labor, Households, Health Care, Law and Social Welfare
Fall 2021
- September 20 Janet Currie, Princeton University, “Tackling the Substance Abuse Crisis: The Role of Access to Treatment Facilities”
- October 4 Matt Wiswall, University of Wisconsin, “Child Care Inequality and Policy”
- October 18 Charles Manski, Northwestern University, “Population Health Policy Under Uncertainty”
- November 1 Brent Hickman, Washington University in St. Louis, “Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production: Evidence from a Structurally Motivated Field Experiment Part II”
- November 15 Andrew Jordan, Washington University in St. Louis, “Racial Patterns in Approval of Felony Charges”
- November 29 Andrew Gray, Washington University in St. Louis, “When Anything Can Happen: Anticipated Adversity and Postsecondary Decision-Making”
Faculty members and graduate students from Washington University, the University of Missouri, Saint Louis University and other area universities, are invited to participate.Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM, with discussion extending to 1:30 p.m., for those interested. Place: Zoom Virtual Meeting Room Passcode, 409877
For more information, contact:
- Bob Pollak, at (314) 935-4918, email: or
- Michael Sherraden, at (314) 935-6691, email:
Sponsored by: The Olin Business School, the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, the Center for Social Development, the Department of Economics, and the College of Arts and Sciences.