Sherraden, M. (2025, January). Thirty productive years and a very promising future: The annual letter of the Center for Social Development (CSD Perspective No. 25-01). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Tag: Azerbaijan
Global conference connects social work, research and policy

CSD co-organizes international conference at gateway between East and West. Researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers came together in late November for the International Conference on Social Work and Social Research: Financial Capability and Asset Building for All. Organized by Azerbaijan University, the Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington University in St. Louis, Sakayra University […]
The Role of Social Workers in Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan
Huseynli, A. (2023). The role of social workers in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan. In D. Androff & J. Damanik (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals (Chap. 33). Routledge.
Social Work in Azerbaijan: Achievements and Challenges of the Profession
Huseynli, A. (2023). Social work in Azerbaijan: Achievements and challenges of the profession. International Social Work, 66(5), 1527–1541.
The International Conference on Social Work and Social Research: Financial Capability and Asset Building for All

November 24-25, 2023,
Baku, Azerbaijan, and virtual
Asset Building Policies to Lift the Resource Curse: Child Development Accounts in Oil-and-Gas-Rich Countries
Huseynli, A. (2023). Asset building policies to lift the resource curse: child development accounts in oil-and-gas-rich countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 145, 106717.
Social Work Education in Post-Soviet Countries: Progress of Azerbaijan
Huseynli, A. (2022). Social work education in post-Soviet countries: Progress of Azerbaijan. British Journal of Social Work, 53(5), 2560–2580.
Child Maltreatment in Post-Soviet Countries: Discipline Practices in Families in Azerbaijan
Huseynli, A., & Jonson-Reid, M. (2022). Child well-being in post-Soviet countries: Discipline practices in families in Azerbaijan. Child Indicators Research, 16, 317–336.
Child Development Accounts: A Policy Design and Opportunity for Azerbaijan
Huseynli, A., Sherraden, M., & Gottlieb, D. (2020, January). Child Development Accounts: A policy design and opportunity for Azerbaijan (CSD Policy Brief No. 20-02). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
CSD advises Azerbaijan officials on Child Development Account policy

The Azerbaijan Minister of Labor and Social Protection Sahil Babayev and Social Policy and Services Department Head Himalay Mamishov met with Center for Social Development Director Michael Sherraden, International Director Li Zou and Research Associate Aytakin Huseynli.
Leader speaks about family policies in former Soviet republic

The head of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s Office of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs was the Center for Social Development’s guest recently.
Student founds social work profession in her home country

Growing up in war and chaos, Aytakin Huseynli knew she wanted to help others, but the profession of “social work” didn’t exist in Azerbaijan. Later, she would go to great lengths to change that.