Huang, J. (2024). From universal basic income to universal basic assets: New docial development policies in the age of AI. Journal of Policy Practice & Research, 5, 146–152.
Tag: Financial Inclusion
Delivering Financial Guidance: Institutional Assessment and Directions for Inclusion
Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., & Johnson, L. (2024). Delivering financial guidance: Institutional assessment and directions for inclusion (CSD Working Paper No. 24-09). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Meeting the Grand Challenge to Build Financial Capability and Assets for All; Social Workers: A Ready Workforce for Building Financial Capability in Underserved Households
Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., & Johnson, L. (2024, July). Meeting the grand challenge to build financial capability and assets for all; Social workers: A ready workforce for building financial capability in underserved households (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.
Meeting the Grand Challenge to Build Financial Capability and Assets for All; Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Birkenmaier, J., & Huang, J. (2024, July). Meeting the grand challenge to build financial capability and assets for all; Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.
Eliminate Racism, Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality, and Build Financial Capabilities and Assets for All; Universal Child Development Accounts to Develop All Children and Reduce Racial Wealth Inequality
Huang, J., Shanks, T. R., Teasley, M., Spencer, M., & Sherraden, M. (2024, July). Eliminate racism, reduce extreme economic inequality, and build financial capabilities and assets for all; Universal Child Development Accounts to develop all children and reduce racial wealth inequality (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.
Asset-Building Policy and Black Reparations: Effective Delivery and Wealth Accumulation
Shanks, T. R., Huang, J., Elliott, W., III, Zheng, H., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2024). Asset-building policy and Black reparations: Effective delivery and wealth accumulation (CSD Research Brief No. 24-07). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
A Policy Platform to Deliver Black Reparations: Building on Evidence from Child Development Accounts
Shanks, T. R., Huang, J., Elliott, W., III, Zheng, H., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2024). A policy platform to deliver Black reparations: Building on evidence from Child Development Accounts. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 10(3), 92–111.
Child Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Advantaged Accounts Benefiting American Children: Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
Elliott, W. (2024, May). Child Savings Accounts and other tax-advantaged accounts benefiting American children: Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (CSD Perspective No. 24-05). Washington University, Center for Social Development, and University of Michigan, Center on Assets, Education, and Inclusion.
Wealth-Building for All Children: Convergence and Evidence to Support a Nationwide Policy
Huang, J., Shanks, T. R., Clancy, M. M., Elliott, W., III, & Sherraden, M. (2024). Wealth-building for all children: Convergence and evidence to support a nationwide policy (CSD Policy Brief No. 24-04). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
How Financial Resilience Shapes Social and Public Health Policy Choices in Africa: Empirical Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Okumu, M., Ansong, D., Koomson, I., & Chen, D. G. (2024). How financial resilience shapes social and public health policy choices in Africa: Empirical insights from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 15(1), 43-67.
Kazakhstan launches CDA policy informed by CSD research

Under the new policy, every child in the Central Asian nation is receiving an account with assets from natural-resource wealth.
Report on a Seminar on Financial Capability and Asset Building Organised for Social Work Practitioners
Naami, A., Dako-Gyeke, M., Mills, A. A., & Ampomah, A. (2024, March). Report on a seminar on financial capability and asset building organised for social work practitioners (CSD Research Report No. 24-02). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Financial Capability Training for Social Workers in Singapore: Towards More Effective Practice
V., D., Ghoh, C., & Sherraden, M. S. (2024). Financial capability training for social workers in Singapore: Towards more effective practice. International Social Work, 67(2), 346–359.
Evidence, vision for Children’s Account policy at Singapore event

In a recent seminar, Center for Social Development (CSD) researchers discussed the SEED for Oklahoma Kids experiment, Singapore’s leadership in asset-based social policy and a vision for global Children Development Accounts. Singapore is a global leader in asset-based social policy, providing citizens a cradle-to-grave structure for accumulating wealth. That interest in such policies and their […]
Parental Views on Universal Asset-Building Policy for All Children
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2024). Parental views on universal asset-building policy for all children. Child & Family Social Work, 29(2), 584–586.
In memoriam: Gena Gunn McClendon, a champion of justice and equity

Gena Gunn McClendon, esteemed director of community engagement at the Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington University, passed away on October 21, 2023. She leaves behind an enduring legacy as a fierce advocate for equity, a champion for the disempowered and a passionate defender of voting rights. “Throughout her career, Gena has been a […]
Financial Capability and Asset Building: Innovations in Social Protection and Development
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Huang, J., Sun, S., Huseynli, A., Koomson, I., Chowa, G., Ssewamala, F., Sherraden, M. S., & Sherraden, M. (2023). Financial capability and asset building: innovations in social protection and development. In L. Patel, S. Plagerson, & I Chinyoka (Eds.), Handbook on social protection and social development in the global South (pp. 308–330). Edward Elgar Publishing.
New national children’s account policy taking shape

Natural resource wealth underpins a proposal for what may be the world’s next national children’s account policy.
The Effectiveness of Financial Capability and Asset Building Interventions in Improving Youth’s Educational Well-Being: A Systematic Review
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Nyon, T., Appiah Kubi, J., Amoako, E. O., Koomson, I., Conklin, J. (2023). The effectiveness of financial capability and asset building interventions in improving youth’s educational well-being: A systematic review. Adolescent Research Review. Advance online publication.
My Alfond Grant CDA: Experience From 10 Years of Automatic Deposits for All Maine Newborns
Quint, C. J., & Clancy, M. M. (2023, June). My Alfond Grant CDA: Experience From 10 years of automatic deposits for all Maine newborns (CSD Policy Brief No. 23-19). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Child Well-Being Policies in Post-Soviet Countries: The Potential of Child Development Accounts
Huseynli, A., & Sherraden, M. (2023, June). Child well-being policies in post-Soviet countries: The potential of Child Development Accounts (CSD Policy Brief No. 23-18). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Policy, Practice, and Institutional Barriers to Financial Capability and Asset Building Related to Race (Racism) in the United States
Jones, J. L., Birkenmaier, J., Johnson, L., McClendon, G. G., Nam, Y., Huang, J., & Onifade, E. (2023). Policy, practice, and institutional barriers to financial capability and asset building related to race (racism) in the United States. In M. L. Teasley, M. S. Spencer, & M. Bartholomew (Eds.), Social work and the Grand Challenge of Ending Racism: Concepts, theory, and evidence based approaches (Chap. 21). Oxford University Press.
Understanding the Use of Digital Finance Among Older Internet Users in Urban China: Evidence From an Online Convenience Sample
Zeng, Y., & Li, Y. (2022). Understanding the use of digital finance among older internet users in urban China: Evidence from an online convenience sample. Educational Gerontology, 49(6), 477–490.
Zou talks global CDAs at World Bank Evolution Forum

Li Zou has given many presentations on Child Development Accounts (CDAs) in other countries, but this one was different.
The international director for the Center for Social Development (CSD) was at the World Bank to deliver invited remarks on the bank’s plan to evolve its mission and operations. The bank’s roadmap affirms commitments to poverty reduction and shared prosperity while calling for changes to better meet global challenges.
At the bank’s April 11 Evolution Forum, Zou sketched a strategy for meeting all three of those goals, a strategy for developing a global CDA policy based on research by the Center for Social Development.
CSD’s Margaret Clancy recognized for leadership in Child Development Account research, policy

Brown School honors Clancy with 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Passion and patience. Margaret Clancy has devoted a generous dose of each during her 24-year career with the Center for Social Development (CSD) in the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. They have paid off not only for her career, but for millions of […]
Women’s Participation in a Savings Group and Depression: A Community-Based Financial Capability Intervention in Mozambique
Tadesse, A., & Huang, J. (2023). Women’s participation in a savings group and depression: A community-based financial capability intervention in Mozambique. Global Social Welfare, 10(1), 49–59.
Special Issue | Financial Capability and Assets for Socioeconomic Development
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., & Koomson, I. (Eds.). 2023). Financial capability and assets for socioeconomic development [Special issue]. Global Social Welfare, 10(1).
Private Supplementary Tutoring Expenditures and Children’s Learning Outcomes: Gender and Locational Evidence from Ghana
Ansong, D., Koomson, I., Okumu, M., Alhassan, M., Makubuya, T., & Abreh, M. K. (2023). Private supplementary tutoring expenditures and children’s learning outcomes: Gender and locational evidence from Ghana. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 76, Article 101232.
Effect of Financial Literacy on Poverty Reduction Across Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
Koomson, I., Ansong, D., Okumu, M., & Achulo, S. (2023). Effect of financial literacy on poverty reduction across Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Global Social Welfare, 10(1), 93–103.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Financial Capability and Asset Building for Family Financial Wellbeing
Birkenmaier, J., Rothwell, D. R., Jacobson Frey, J., & Spence Coffey, D. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue on Financial Capability and Asset Building for Family Financial Wellbeing. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(4), 647–643.
Special Issue | Financial Capability and Asset Building for Family Financial Wellbeing
Rothwell, D. R., Jacobson Frey, J., & Birkenmaier, J. (Eds.). (2022). Special issue on financial capability and asset building for family financial wellbeing. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(4).
Financial Capability in Africa: Innovation Through Evidence, Practice, and Policy
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., & Koomson, I. (2023). Financial capability in Africa: Innovation through evidence, practice, and policy [Special issue introduction]. Global Social Welfare, 10(1), 1–7.
Global Child Development Accounts: A “Moon Shot” to Develop Every Child and the Planet
Sherraden, M., & Zou, L. (2022, October). Global Child Development Accounts: A “moon shot” to develop every child and the planet (CSD Perspective No. 22-27). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset Building Among U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents: The Role of Initial Legal Status
Zeng, Y. (2022). Asset building among U.S. lawful permanent residents: The role of initial legal status. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. Advance online publication.
Building Financial Capability Among Low-Income Older Asian Immigrants: The Roles of Financial Access and Locus of Control
Nam, Y., Sherraden, M. S., Lee, E. J., & Huang, J. (2022). Building financial capability among low-income older Asian immigrants: The roles of financial access and locus of control. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(4), 1683-1704.
Effective Finance to Increase Financial Well-Being for Low-Income Families: Empirical Examination and Policy Implications
Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Sherraden, M. S., & Johnson, L. (2022). Effective finance to increase financial well-being for low-income families: Empirical examination and policy implications. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(4), 1638–1657.
California launches nation’s largest Child Development Account policy

The state enrolls 3.4 million children in CalKIDs, which CSD experts helped to shape. Today Governor Gavin Newsom publicly launched CalKIDS, the California Kids Investment and Development Savings program. With 3.4 million children in the first cohort of enrollees and more than $1.8 billion in assets, CalKIDS leaves the starting gate as the nation’s largest […]
Social Workers Can Help Adults With Complex Needs With Financial Wellbeing
Fang, S., & Huang, J. (2022). Social workers can help adults with complex needs with financial wellbeing. BMJ, 378, Article 1928.
Audience of over 2.65 million for keynotes on financial social work

On June 29, Faculty Directors Jin Huang and Minchao Jin delivered keynote addresses at the 2022 Financial Literacy Education Forum in mainland China. Carried by state news agency Xinhua, Sina Weibo, Youku, and numerous other platforms, the event drew an audience of over 2.65 million viewers.
Worldwide, over 15 million have Child Development Accounts

New estimates on the number of children around the globe who are building assets in CDAs. Over 15 million children have built assets in Child Development Accounts (CDAs), according to new estimates in a brief by Li Zou and Michael Sherraden with the Center for Social Development in the Brown School at Washington University. Zou […]
Child Development Accounts Reach Over 15 Million Globally
Zou, L., & Sherraden, M. (2022, June). Child Development Accounts reach over 15 million children globally (CSD Policy Brief No. 22-22). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Bank Compliance With National Transaction Account Standards: Evidence From a Mid‐Western Metropolitan Area
Birkenmaier, J., Huang, J., & Balu, A. (2022). Bank compliance with national transaction account standards: Evidence from a mid‐western metropolitan area. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(2), 982–1003.
Child Development Accounts expand resources for higher education

New research from the Center for Social Development shows that a children’s account policy reduces obstacles to higher education. As the cost of higher education continues to grow, families in the United States struggle to save enough for children’s education. State 529 college savings plans are investment vehicles that assist families in meeting this need, […]
Financial Facts: SEED OK Child Development Accounts at Age 14
Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Schreiner, M., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2022, June). Financial facts: SEED OK Child Development Accounts at age 14 (CSD Fact Sheet No. 22-20). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Senator, national experts discuss strategies for economic security

Policies to strengthen vulnerable families typically focus either on boosting income for present needs or assets for future priorities. A recent event spotlighted policies to integrate the two approaches for vulnerable families – as we already do for other families.
Interventions Designed to Improve Financial Capability: A Systematic Review
Birkenmaier, J., Maynard, B., & Kim, Y. (2022). Interventions designed to improve financial capability: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(6), 651–677.
Journal spotlights research to improve financial well-being in vulnerable families

How can vulnerable families overcome barriers to financial security, and what has made it difficult for them to do so? New research in a special issue of Families in Society seeks answers to those questions. Guest edited by Jin Huang, Margaret Sherraden, Jenny L. Jones, and Christine Callahan, the collection developed from papers presented during […]
The Long Afterlife of Slavery in Asset Stripping, Historical Memory, and Family Burden: Toward a Third Reconstruction
Fergus, D., & Shanks, T. R. (2022). The long afterlife of slavery in asset stripping, historical memory, and family burden: Toward a third Reconstruction. Families in Society, 103(1), 7–20.
Financial Capability and Asset Building With a Racial- and Gender-Equity Lens: Advances from the Field
Finsel, C., Watson Grote, M., Libby, M., Mahon, C., & Sherraden, M. S. (2022). Financial capability and asset building with a racial- and gender-equity lens: Advances from the field. Families in Society, 103(1), 86–100.
Building Financial Capability and Assets in America’s Families
Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., Jones, J. L., & Callahan, C. (2022). Building financial capability and assets in America’s families [Special issue introduction]. Families in Society, 103(1), 3–6.