2016 News

Tax preparer’s toolkit shows why tax time is great time for families to save

Tax season is here, and it’s important for income tax preparers to have the tools to prompt low- to moderate-income clients to save. After all, the tax refund is the largest single boost of income that many households receive all year, and the windfall could put them on a path to financial security. 

The Volunteer Income Tax Preparer’s Toolkit: Showing Clients Why Tax Time is the Right Time to Save is a communications and resource guide for tax preparers on encouraging clients to save a part of their refund at tax time, based on findings from the Center for Social Development’s Refund to Savings (R2S) experiment. The toolkit also provides evidence from other national tax-time savings demonstrations and offers insights from five different VITA sites’ experiences in operating tax-time savings campaigns.

Friends of asset-building work are encouraged to pass along the resource to those who may be involved with VITA sites. Click here to download the toolkit.