Three asset-based poverty alleviation initiatives were conducted in Peru and Colombia. The first, a six-year asset-building pilot program, was undertaken in southern Peru as an important component of the Corredor Puno-Cusco Project, a rural finance support project focusing on savings mobilization, savings enhancement, and economic development. The second, the Southern Highlands Project in rural Peru, began in early 2005. The third, the Activos project in rural southern Colombia, was in the pre-approval stage as of this writing, with its final design still in a discussion and adjustment process with the Colombian government. The goals of all three projects were to build assets and increase access to financial services (such as, savings deposits, micro insurance, non-cash transfers, remittances management, and micro-credit) among the rural poor, especially poor women. Experience with Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) in the United States informed the design of the three pilot projects.
Project: Peru and Colombia: Asset Building Initiatives
Moury, Y. (2006, August). Asset-building initiatives in Peru and Colombia: Pilot study and directions (CSD Policy Brief No. 06-25). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.