Education Featured Event Events 2025

Bridging Data Divides: Collaborating for Impact

This two-day summit event will bring together people who are interested in working collaboratively with data across government, philanthropy, nonprofits, universities, businesses, and impacted communities. Speakers will address strategies for using data to promote positive change in areas of health, community development, environment, and beyond.

May 1-2, 2025

Clark-Fox Forum
Hillman Hall
Washington University

We are all data people. Whatever your role, experience, or relationship to data, this two-day summit is an opportunity to connect, share ideas, and discover new ways data can be leveraged to increase impact in St. Louis and beyond.


  • Community-engaged research
  • Collaborative data practice
  • Community-centered philanthropy
  • Data storytelling and community voice

Bridging Data Divides is hosted by the Data for Social Impact (DSI) initiative at the Center for Social Development and Transdisciplinary Institute in Applied Data Science (TRIADS) at Washington University in St. Louis, in partnership with the Community Innovation and Action Center at University of Missouri–St. Louis. Support for the event comes from the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and WashU Digital Transformation.


May 1 | Bridging Research/Practice Divides

1:15-2:30Panel: Collaborating to Address Health Disparities
Theresa Gildner, Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis

Joyce Balls-Berry, Associate Lead, ICTS Precision Health, Washington University in St. Louis

Additional speakers coming soon!
2:45-4:00Fireside Chat: Community- and Data-Informed Housing Solutions
Patrick Fowler, Co-Director, Division of Computational and Data Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis

Samantha Stangl, Executive Director, House Everyone STL

Andrea Jackson-Jennings, Managing Director, Regional Response Team

Adam Pearson, Director, Department of Human Services, City of St. Louis

Shannon Koenig, Executive Director and CEO, County Housing
4:00-5:30Reception/networking (heavy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, and NA options)

May 2 | Bridging Data Divides in the Social Sector

8:30-9:30Data and Donuts: Continental Breakfast and Networking
9:15-9:30Opening remarks
9:30-10:45Collaborative Data Practices and Tools
Riisa Rawlins, Chief Executive Officer, Community Health Commission of Missouri

Paul Sorenson, Co-Director, Community Innovation and Action Center at UMSL

Fatuma Faarah, Campaign Officer, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Bridget Blount, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore’s Promise

Additional speakers coming soon!
11:00-11:45Small group discussions
12:00-1:00Networking lunch
1:00-2:15Fireside Chat: Collaborative and Trust-Based Philanthropy
Megan Simmons, Senior Research Strategist, Missouri Foundation for Health

Leah Moser, Planning and Operations Lead, University of Missouri St. Louis Community Innovation & Action Center

Additional speakers coming soon!
2:30-3:45Panel: Data Storytelling and Community Voice
Lindy Drew, Co-Founder and Lead Storyteller, Humans of St. Louis

Atia Thurman, Lecturer, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis

Jia Lian Yang, Director, Storytelling & Communications, Forward Through Ferguson

Additional speakers coming soon!
3:45Closing remarks


Center for Social Development

Transdisciplinary Institute in Applied Data Science (TRIADS)

Community Innovation and Action Center at University of Missouri–St. Louis


Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

WashU Digital Transformation

This event is one of a series celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Center for Social Development and the centennial of the Brown School at Washington University.