Events 2015 Smart Decarceration Events

Matthew Epperson: Probation Officer Roles and Relational Dynamics in Supervising Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses: Implications for Intervention Development

Date: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015, 9:00 a.m.
Location: Brown Lounge, Brown Hall, Washington University

Matthew Epperson, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration, will be speaking on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015 at the Brown School.

Matthew Epperson’s research centers on developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to reduce disparities in the criminal justice system. His primary area of focus is understanding and addressing person and place-level risk factors for criminal involvement among persons with mental illnesses. Professor Epperson’s interests also include developing conceptual, evidence-based frameworks for effective and sustainable decarceration. His scholarship and teaching aims to build and advance the capacity of the social work profession to address these challenges and opportunities for criminal justice transformation.

This lecture is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to Dru Bartos.