Events 2015 Financial Behaviors Events Financial Inclusion Events

Webinar: Wealth Inequality and the Tax Code

Date: November 9, 2015
Location: Webinar

Wealth Inequality and the Tax Code: Communications and Advocacy

Monday, Nov. 9
2:00 – 3:00 PM CST

Wealth inequality is higher than at any time since the Great Depression. Tax policy is one of the drivers of growing wealth inequality, but economic trends and the federal tax code are tough talking points.

This webinar, designed for advocates, practitioners, policymakers and funders, will address key issues related to tax policy communications and advocacy, including:

What are the main issues at stake?

How can we communicate the importance of these issues?

What are national organizations doing to affect federal policy change?

Please join us for this webinar hosted by the Tax Alliance for Economic Mobility. The webinar will include a presentation of a new video animation on the issues, discussion of key talking points on wealth inequality and the “upside down” tax code, and an update on a national campaign to strengthen the EITC and CTC.

The webinar is moderated by PolicyLink, with presentations by CFED, Americans for Tax Fairness and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

The Center for Social Development is a co-host of this event.