Although asset policies and programs are seldom linked to wider theoretical debates in social welfare, this paper contends that an understanding of these debates contextualizes asset interventions and clarifies underlying values and ideological beliefs. Contrasting different normative perspectives in contemporary social welfare theory, the paper suggests that developmentalism offers a congenial normative framework for asset programs. In this way, the wider goals of asset programs and their value implications may be explicated and comprehended.
Subsequent publication: Midgley, J. (2003). Assets in the context of welfare theory: A developmentalist interpretation. Social Development Issues, 25(1/2), 12–28.
An earlier version of this Working Paper is also available: Midgley, J. (2003). Assets in the context of welfare theory: A developmentalist interpretation (CSD Working Paper No. 00-04). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Project: Inclusion in Asset Building: Research and Policy Symposium
Midgley, J. (2003). Assets in the context of welfare theory: A developmentalist interpretation (CSD Working Paper No. 03-10). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.