The central hypothesis of this study is that civic service in its different expressions can become a contributor to positive development for the elderly, both at the individual and collective levels. In addition, we hypothesize that civic service will also benefit the organization in which the service takes place as well as society as a whole. Finally, we argue that intergenerational interaction can benefit both the elderly and young adults and adolescents.
Within this framework and based on that hypothesis, this study attempts to answer two key questions: Which are the best and most appropriate forms of service? and What are the most suitable programs to recruit and retain elderly volunteers for voluntary action?
Project: Older Adults in Uruguay: Volunteer Work and Civic Service Actors
Cruz, A., & Pérez, L. (2007). The elderly in Uruguay: Volunteer work and civic service actors (CSD Research Report No. 07-30). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.