Asset Building Financial Inclusion Report

The Effects of Welfare and IDA Program Rules on the Asset Holding of Low-Income Families

This report, “The Effects of Welfare and IDA Program Rules on the Asset Holdings of Low-Income Families,” examines the effects of a comprehensive set of 13 welfare, Food Stamp, individual development account (IDA), earned income tax credit (EITC), and minimum wage program rules on the asset holdings of low-education single mothers and families. Low education was used as a proxy for low income to address fluctuations in income over time. This report finds empirical evidence of an association between asset limits and IDA program rules and the asset holdings of low-education single mothers and families.

Project: Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households


McKernan, S. M., Ratcliffe, C., & Nam, Y. (2007). The effects of welfare and IDA program rules on the asset holding of low-income families (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.