This research assesses the status of youth volunteer service, specifying programmatic aspects of the service role, who serves and is served, the programs’ goals and activities, administrative structures, and organizational sponsors. Data for this research come from a cross-sectional survey of youth volunteer service programs in 12 countries across the Latin America and Caribbean region. These conclusions are suggestive and call for additional research. For the English version of this publication, see
Project: Youth Service in Latin America and the Caribbean
McBride, A. M., Olate, R., Johnson, L., Kon, R., Bottinnelli, L., Cabrera, F., & Estarellas, M. (2008, March). Servicio Voluntario Juvenil en Lationamerica y el Caribe Un Estido Regional [Youth volunteer service in Latin America and the Caribbean: A regional assessment] (CSD Research Report No. 08-05, Spanish). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.