A strategic revision of the core components of the Fellowship Program created a need to perform a program evaluation with the new cohort under these changes. This study focuses on a group of post-9/11 veterans who completed the Fellowship Program in 2011 or 2012
(i.e., the second cohort) and assesses participants’ characteristics, satisfaction with the program, and perceived impacts of the program on their aspirations and achievements. Using self-administered and standardized measures, we examine how participation in the Fellowship Program (1) affects veterans’ ratings of satisfaction with the program and (2) impacts their career goals.
Project: The Mission Continues National Initiative
Matthieu, M. M., Scheinberg, A. J., Rogers, D., & Varner, J. (2013, October). Reexamining participant satisfaction with the Mission Continues Fellowship Program for post-9/11 veterans (CSD Research Brief No. 13-22). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.