This is the second in a series of briefs that the Center for Social Development has produced in partnership with the Aspen Institute’s Expanding Prosperity Impact Collaborative (EPIC) and the Intuit Tax and Financial Center. Thefirst brief highlighted new data on the prevalence of income and expense volatility in low- and moderate-income households. This second brief examines income volatility’s effects on Americans’ financial lives, showing that it is associated with dramatic increases in the likelihood of experiencing several hardships. The findings have broad implications for future research and policy.
Project: Refund to Savings
Roll, S. P., Mitchell, D. S., Holub, K., Bufe, S., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2017, December). Responses to and repercussions from income volatility in low- and moderate-income households: Results from a national survey (Issue Brief). Washington, DC: Aspen Institute and Center for Social Development.).