Books & Chapters Grand Challenges for Social Work Social Innovation Partnerships


In this commentary from the second edition of Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society, the authors discuss the role of policy in the social work profession and in the Grand Challenges initiative. They describe the initiative’s approach to policy and highlight policy engagements. Noting that the profession has always worked toward “policy solutions to protect the most vulnerable and to develop the whole society,” the authors write, “In our time, when racial, economic, and environmental justice are at the forefront, the GCSW is renewing the social work emphasis on policy.”

Project: Grand Challenges for Social Work


Johnson, L., Butts, S. C., Manderscheid, R., Sherraden, M., & Lewis, C. E. (2022). Commentary. In R. P. Barth, J. T. Messing, T. R. Shanks, & J. H. Williams. J. H. (Eds.), Grand challenges for social work and society (2nd ed., pp. 406–414). Oxford University Press.