Asset Building Books & Chapters Financial Inclusion

Assets and Income: Disability-Based Disparities in the United States

How does net worth in the households of adults with disabilities differ from net worth in other households? This study examined household-level differences in data from the 2001 Survey of Income and Program Participation, finding that income and net worth were both lower in the households of adults with disabilities. Originally published in Social Work Research, the chapter’s findings suggest a number of policy insights, which the authors consider.

Project: Assets and Disability


Parish, S. L., Grinstein-Weiss, M., Yeo, Y. H., Rose, R. A., & Rimmerman, A. (2019). Assets and income: Disability-based disparities in the United States. In T. B. Bent-Goodley, J. H. Williams, M. L. Teasley, S. H. Gorin (Eds.), Grand challenges for society: Evidence-based social work practice (pp. 431–443). Washington, DC: NASW Press.