Events 2018 Financial Capability Financial Inclusion

FCAB: Using Evidence to Influence Policy and Practice Convening

Date: January 10 to January 11, 2018


​Please join the University of Maryland’s Financial Social Work Initiative and
the Center for Social Development’s Financial Capability and Asset Building project
for the third convening.

11 a.m.-5 p.m. January 10
8:30 a.m.-Noon January 11

The convening is before the SSWR Annual Conference and is being held close to the conference hotel for your convenience.


For a full description of this free convening please click here.

Social work has a unique opportunity for leadership in influencing public policy through research, using data sets and other types of evidence, including through qualitative methods.

This event will follow up on the previous two Financial Capability and Asset Building (FCAB) convenings and will bring together scholars, policymakers, funding experts and educators to examine research, policy and education, and to continue to develop and sustain the FCAB social work agenda.

The University of Maryland School of Social Work and the Center for Social Development are co-hosting the convening.

For more information, please contact Christine Callahan, PhD, LCSW-C, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Social Work, Financial Social Work Initiative,, (410) 706-7051.