Impacts of International Service on European Volunteers and Host Communities in Africa
International Service
We partnered with Volunteer Organization and Service Enquiry Southern Africa (VOSESA) to assess the impacts of international service. VOSESA has used our international service impact project design and modified the methods and instruments to fit the programmatic and cultural context of sub-Saharan Africa. Working with international service programs based in Germany, VOSESA examines the impact of international service in South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania through volunteer surveys, host organization interviews, and host beneficiary focus groups.
Funding Partners: Ford Foundation, Washington University-Brookings Institution Academic Venture Fund
Principal Investigators
Benjamin Lough
CSD Faculty Director; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Margaret Sherraden
CSD Research Professor; Washington University in St. Louis
Financial Capability: Combining Access and Abilities,
Civic Service and Engagement
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Lissa Johnson
CSD Associate Director; Director of Administration and Research;
Co-Director Financial Capability and Asset Building
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