Re-entry Community Linkages
Smart Decarceration

The Smart Decarceration Initiative is partnering with the St. Louis Integrated Health Network, City of St. Louis, Brown School Evaluation Center and a dozen other community agencies in order to improve health outcomes for minority reentrants in transition from jail to their communities.
The Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, awarded the grant to 7 recipients nationwide in order to improve coordination of services, reduce health disparities, and increase accessed to needed public health, behavioral health, health care coverage, and other social services. SDI will share its expertise on criminal justice-involved populations and serve as members of the evaluation team for the project.
Funding Partner: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health
Principal Investigator

Carrie Pettus
CSD Faculty Director; Justice System Partners
Smart Decarceration: Reversing Mass Imprisonment in America