
Global Asset Building

CSD is part of a global consortium supported by the MasterCard Foundation that piloted a youth savings initiative in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya and Nepal. In addition to CSD, the consortium includes Save the Children, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), and the New America Foundation

The five-year effort includes a multi-method research agenda with the goals to understand the conditions for sustainable delivery of savings products and services that can substantially improve the life chances of low-income youth in the developing world, and to transfer this knowledge to those in a position to support their accessibility and quality. In-country partners include:

Funding Partner: MasterCard Foundation

Principal Investigators

Michael Sherraden

Michael Sherraden

CSD Founding Director,
George Warren Brown Distinguished University Professor

Margaret Sherraden

Margaret Sherraden

CSD Research Professor; Washington University in St. Louis​
Financial Capability: Combining Access and Abilities,
Civic Service and Engagement

Project Directors

Li Zou

Li Zou

CSD International Director,
Director of the Global Assets Project

Lissa Johnson

Lissa Johnson

CSD Associate Director; Director of Administration and Research;
Co-Director Financial Capability and Asset Building