Jin Huang
CSD Research Director
William and Helen Reichmann Research Professor, Saint Louis University School of Social Work
Research Professor, Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis;
Inclusion in Asset Building: Toward Universal and Progressive Policies
- Email: jin.huang@nospam.slu.edu
JIN HUANG, PhD, is Research Director at the Center for Social Development, William and Helen Reichmann Research Professor in the Saint Louis University School of Social Work and part-time Research Professor at Washington University’s Brown School. Huang is active in the Grand Challenges for Social Work as co-lead of the network to Build Financial Capability and Assets For All. His CSD research focuses on global asset building, Child Development Accounts, and financial capability.
CSD Projects

China: Inclusive Asset-Based Policy
Global Asset Building
We assist China with creating its first asset-building program and conduct ongoing research with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Global Assets Project
Global Asset Building
Our collaboration with the New America Foundation’s Asset Building Program seeks to inform and promote development of asset-building policies and programs worldwide.

Financial Capability & Asset Building (FCAB)
Asset Building
We are building a body of evidence in financial capability, defined as both the knowledge to make optimal financial decisions and access to appropriate and beneficial financial services.

Financial Capability & Human Services Education
Financial Capability
We address the gap in professional FCAB training of social workers and other human service practitioners who serve low- and moderate-income households.

SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)
Asset Building
The SEED OK experiment, which began in 2007, is a large-scale policy test of universal, automatic, and progressive Child Development Accounts. The CDA uses the Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan platform.