Molly Metzger

Molly Metzger

CSD Faculty Director; ​​Washington University in St. Louis
Inclusive Housing: Racial and Class Diversity in Urban Communities
Community Engagement

Molly Metzger is a CSD faculty director in the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focuses on inclusive housing and community engagement, and she contributes to the Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice grand challenge for social work.

Faculty profile

CSD Projects

Inclusive Housing

Inclusive Housing

Inclusive Housing

How can policies be overhauled to build a more equitable and inclusive society? How can communities engage to implement an anti-segregation agenda? Our work in inclusive housing is tackling these challenges.

Livable Lives Initiative

Livable Lives Initiative

Livable Lives

This initiative investigates what social conditions and policy supports can make life with a low or moderate income stable, secure, satisfying and successful.