Shenyang Guo

Shenyang Guo

CSD ​Research Director

SHENYANG GUO, PhD, is Research Director at the Center for Social Development and the Frank J. Bruno Distinguished Professor of Social Work Research. He has expertise in applying advanced statistical models to solve social welfare problems and has taught graduate courses that address event history analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, growth curve modeling, propensity score analysis and program evaluation. Guo leads CSD’s statistical workshops offered biannually. See our events page, for upcoming workshops.

Faculty profile


Propensity Score Analysis 

Fundamental Methods of Structural Equation Modeling 

Longitudinal Methods Using Survival Analysis 

Longitudinal Methods Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling


Guo, S., & Fraser, M. W. (2014). Propensity score analysis: Statistical methods and applications (2nd ed). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.  

Guo, S., & Bowen, N. K. (2011). Structural equation modeling (1st ed). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. 

Guo, S. (2010). Survival analysis (1st ed). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.