Stephen Roll

Stephen Roll

Co-Director of Research and Policy Innovation

STEPHEN ROLL (he/him), PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Brown School at Washington University and Co-Director of Research and Policy Innovation at the Center for Social Development.

Roll’s research focuses on promoting asset building, debt management, and economic security in lower-income populations. His most recent work focuses on the role of cash transfer programs in improving household balance sheets and economic mobility outcomes. He has conducted several studies of guaranteed income pilots around the country, including the St. Louis Guaranteed Basic Income program. He is also the leader of the Workforce Economic Inclusion and Mobility Project, which focuses on strengthening public and private safety nets for low-wage workers.

His work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, and he has briefed the White House Domestic Policy Council, the Senate Joint Economic Committee, and the United States Supreme Court on the results of his research. 

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