Joe, S., Clifton, M., & Carlton-Brown, D. (2023, May). HomeGrown StL 5th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunity for Black Boys and Young Men: Organizing for solutions that unleash the elite potential of young Black males (CSD Conference Report No. 23-17). Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race & Opportunity Lab, HomeGrown StL.
Tag: Child & Youth Well-being
HomeGrown StL 6th Regional Summit on Black Boys and Young Men: Solutions for the Crisis of Hope, Crime, & Economic Citizenship
June 8, 2023, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Clark-Fox Forum, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis
HomeGrown StL 4th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunities for Black Boys and Young Men: Closing the Health, Growth, and Opportunity Gaps
Joe, S., Clifton, M., & Carlton-Brown, D. (2021, December). HomeGrown StL 4th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunities for Black Boys and Young Men: Closing the healing, growth, and opportunity gaps (CSD Conference Report No. 21-34). Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race & Opportunity Lab, HomeGrownStL.
Accountable Policing: Policies to Advance the Personal Safety of Black Boys and Young Men
Motley, R. O., Jr., Finner, A., Walker, M., & Joe, S. (2020, June). Accountable policing: Policies to advance the personal safety of Black boys and young men (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 3). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.
Exposure to Community-Based Violence on Social Media among Black Male Emerging Adults Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Motley, R. O., Jr., Chen, Y.-C., Johnson, C., & Joe, S. (2020). Exposure to community-based violence on social media among Black male emerging adults involved with the criminal justice system. Social Work Research, 44(2), 87–97.
HomeGrown STL 4th Annual Regional Summit on Black boys and young men: Disrupting the Systems of Dehumanization
February 29, 2020, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Clark-Fox Forum, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis
Healing Policies for Black Boys and Young Men in St. Louis: Priorities in 2019
Joe, S., Motley, R., Ivory, A., Finner, A., & Frederick, J. (2019). Healing policies for Black boys and young men in St. Louis: Priorities in 2019 (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 2). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.
HomeGrown STL Strategic Networking Breakfast: Mentoring Alliance Initiative
November 14, 2019, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Brown Lounge, Brown Hall Washington University in St. Louis
HomeGrown STL Strategic Networking Breakfast: Healing Policies for Black Male Development Initiative
September 19, 2019, 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., Brown Lounge, Brown Hall Washington University in St. Louis
Social Mobility: The Necessary Focus of St. Louis Investment in Black Males
Joe, S., & Motley, R. (2019, February). Social mobility: The necessary focus of St. Louis investment in Black males (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 1). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Cen¬ter for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.
HomeGrown STL 3rd Regional Summit on Black Boys and Young Men: Building Capacity for Community & System Change
February 7, 2019, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Clark-Fox Forum, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis
Black Males, Trauma, and Mental Health Service Use: A Systematic Review
Motley, R., & Banks, A. (2018). Black males, trauma, and mental health service use: A systematic review. Perspectives on Social Work, 14(1), 3–19.
Creating Change to Combat Child Labor, Forced Labor & Human Trafficking
April 9, 2018, 4:30 to 5:30 pm, Brown Lounge, Brown Hall, Washington University
Build the Village That Raises the Child
HomeGrown STL. (2018, March). Build the village that raises the child (CSD Conference Report No. 18-10). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race & Opportunity Lab, HomeGrown STL.
Police Use of Force by Ethnicity, Sex, and Socioeconomic Class
Motley, R. O., Jr., & Joe, S. (2018). Police use of force by ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic class. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 9(1), 49-67. doi:10.1086/696355
Kinship Foster Care Among African American Youth: Interaction Effects at Multiple Contextual Levels
Rufa, A. K., & Fowler, P. J. (2016). Kinship foster care among African American youth: Interaction effects at multiple contextual levels. Journal of Social Service Research, 42(1), 26–40. doi:10.1080/01488376.2015.1077187
$1.06M federal grant for St. Louis YouthBuild expands chances for at-risk youth

The U.S. Department of Labor on Monday confirmed a grant to St. Louis YouthBuild of $1.06 million to support academic and occupational skills training for at-risk youth. Washington University is is a partner with YouthBuild, a relationship that was seeded by an event early this year initiated by the Center for Social Development.
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis – A lecture by Robert Putnam
April 15, 2015, Graham Chapel, Washington University in St. Louis
Robert Putnam lectures about ‘Our Kids’ on April 15

Robert D. Putnam is famous for his best-selling book “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,” which warned that Americans were withdrawing from each other and from civic life.
YouthBuild founder urges young people to speak up, transform communities

Young people from Kansas, Missouri and Illinois gathered to hear Dorothy Stoneman, the founder and CEO of YouthBuild USA Inc., speak about transforming themselves and their communities.
Ferguson & Beyond Lecture Series: Dorothy Stoneman, Founder of YouthBuild USA
February 3, 2015, Brown Hall, Room 100, St. Louis, MO
CSD’s 20th anniversary: Looking ahead

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this academic year, the Center for Social Development is expanding by bringing in new leaders and new bodies of work.
Child Well-Being Symposium
November 12-13, 2014, St. Louis, MO
Child finance meeting brings voices from around the world

Researchers and practitioners from around the globe met at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis this week to make strides toward increased financial awareness of children and youth.