CSD at the forefront of research looking at the impact of international service on host countries.
Tag: Margaret Sherraden News
Innovations on forefront of Center for Social Development’s research on international volunteer service as Peace Corps Marks 50th anniversary
Although 50 years have passed since the founding of the Peace Corps and international service is currently growing worldwide, little rigorous research has been conducted on its impacts.
United Nations award recognizes innovative IDA program in South Korea
CSD congratulates its research partner, Seoul Welfare Foundation, for winning the 2010 United Nations Public Service Award in the category of “Improving the delivery of public services” for its leadership of the Seoul Hope-Plus Savings Accounts project.
CSD to be part of landmark study on youth savings as development tool
The MasterCard Foundation calls the five-year YouthSave project,“a landmark, global research initiative that will test how to sustainably deliver savings services to low-income youth in the developing world.”
Presentations in Asia underscore international interest in assets and social policy
CSD director Michael Sherraden and Margaret Sherraden, CSD research professor, were in high demand when they spent the fall semester of 2009 in Asia.
Livable Lives Initiative invites proposals from Washington University faculty
The Livable Lives Initiative started at the Brown School, with the vision of developing a mulit-disciplinary, University-wide project.