Alum, C., Devereux, P., Lough, B. J., & Tiessen, R. (2020, October). Volunteering for climate action. Paper presented at IVCO 2020: Volunteering for Climate Action, the 2020 conference of International Volunteering Cooperation Organisations. Retrieved from International Forum for Volunteering in Development website:
Tag: Peter Devereux
Volunteering for Climate Action: Perspectives from a Survey of Volunteer Involving Organisations (An appendix to Volunteering for Climate Action)
Alum, C., Devereux, P., Lough, B. J., & Tiessen, R. (2020, October). Volunteering for climate action: Perspectives from a survey of volunteer involving organisations (An appendix to Volunteering for Climate Action). Paper presented at IVCO 2020: Volunteering for Climate Action, the 2020 conference of International Volunteering Cooperation Organisations. Retrieved from International Forum for Volunteering in Development website:
The Global Research Agenda on Volunteering for Peace and Development
Lough, B. J., Allum, C., Devereux, P., & Tiessen, R. (2018). The global research agenda on volunteering for peace and development (CSD Research Brief No. 18-50). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development. doi:10.7936/xe2f-5p62