The Mishlavim project is implemented according to three major models: one for high school graduates who serve full time and are supervised by a coordinator from the Mishlavim team; the second for psychologically disturbed youth, who also serve full time and are supervised by the mental health services in addition to the Mishlavim coordinator; and the third for students in special schools who serve four days a week and study at school two days a week. In this model, which is called national–educational service, the volunteer is supervised both, by the Mishlavim coordinator and by his/ her school. The present evaluation research was conducted on the national educational service implementation model.
Project: Impact of Service of National Youth Service Volunteers in Israel
Amit, K., & Fleischer, N. (2005). Mishlavim Project – The inclusion of youth with special needs into National Youth Service in Israel: Program evaluation research (2003–2004) (CSD Report No. 05-27). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.