Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households is a series of reports on poverty, asset building, and social policy. The purpose of the series is to assess the nascent state of knowledge and policy development and to synthesize recent progress in these areas. This report in the series, “Asset Building Over the Life Course” provides a conceptual framework that has the potential to describe how asset accumulation unfolds over an individual’s lifetime and how the effects of such accumulation can best be understood within the context of the life course. This report also identifies five factors that are important in understanding the low levels of asset accumulation among low-income households, and it provides a case example that places these factors within the context of time, aging, development, and sequencing, all of which are critical in the building of assets across the life course.
Project: Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households
Rank, M. (2008). Asset building over the life course (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.