YouthSave is a pioneering project designed to study savings and development among low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal. Research Partners in all four countries, in collaboration with CSD, have conducted background research to understand the context of youth saving ahead of the launch of YSAs. Youth-related national policies are a central aspect of this brief that surround both economic development and financial inclusion. The main focus for many of these countries is on youth employment, training, and entrepreneurship. The understanding of youth-related policies and how they will influence the YouthSave experiment will be a key question in future research.
Project: YouthSave
Center for Social Development, Institute for Statistical, Social, and Economic Research, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research & Analysis, New ERA, & Universidad de los Andes. (2012, April). Youth-related policies (YouthSave Research Brief No. 12-15). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.