Asset Building Financial Inclusion Report

Account Monitoring Research at Michigan SEED

Michigan SEED (MI SEED) is a quasi-experimental test of asset building for preschool aged children. Participants are from low-to-moderate income families with young children attending Head Start Centers. This report details demographic findings and uses cash flow data to examine asset accumulation and savings for 495 children. Overall, about 31% of children had participant deposits to their MI SEED accounts. Including program incentives, the total accumulation saved in all MI SEED accounts over the course of the initiative was $734,042. Average asset accumulation was $1,483, and average quarterly net savings by participants was $19.

Project: SEED National Initiative


Loke, V., Clancy, M., & Zager, R. (2009). Account monitoring research at Michigan SEED (CSD Research Report No. 09-62). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.