Experience Corps School-based Tutoring Project
Productive Aging

Experience Corps (EC)® is an inter-generational tutoring program that places older adults in public schools to help students who have been identified as poor readers. CSD’s research investigates the program’s effects on participating students and on the older adults who provide the tutoring. Research on students is conducted at EC sites in Boston and New York; research on older adults is conducted in 18 cities with EC programs.
Results demonstrate that participation in the Experience Corps® program produced positive health outcomes for students and volunteers alike. Students who participated in the program improved their reading skills significantly compared to similar students not served by the program. The volunteers experienced a statistically significant decrease in functional limitations and depressive symptoms.
Funding Partner: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Principal Investigator

Nancy Morrow-Howell
CSD Faculty Director; Washington University in St. Louis
Productive Aging: Active Engagement in Older Adulthood
Grand Challenges for Social Work

Lissa Johnson
CSD Associate Director; Director of Administration and Research;
Co-Director Financial Capability and Asset Building
- Email: ejohnson@nospam.wustl.edu