Benjamin Lough
CSD Faculty Director; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Email: bjlough@nospam.illinois.edu
Benjamin Lough is a CSD faculty director from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on the impact of international volunteerism and service on peace and sustainable development.

Contributions of International Volunteers to Gender Equality
International Service
This collaboration with the University of Ottawa and an international team of researchers has collected and analyzed data from partner organizations in 10 countries to examine the roles international development volunteers play in advancing gender equality and empowering women.

Assessing Effective Practices of International Service
International Service
In partnership with the University of Ottawa, we surveyed more than 300 volunteer partner organizations operating in more than 80 countries in the Global South.

Emerging Perspectives on International Volunteerism in Asia
International Service
Our project examines challenges and emerging perspectives in international volunteerism in Asia through an online survey and in-country interviews.

Impacts of International Service on European Volunteers and Host Communities in Africa
International Service
Our partnership with Volunteer Organization and Service Enquiry Southern Africa examines the impact of international service in South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania.

International Voluntary Service for Development
International Service
CSD is leading a global research agenda to study volunteerism as a strategy for meeting global sustainable development goals.

Advancing Research & Policy on International Volunteer Service
International Service
We partner with the Brookings Institution to research avenues for meaningful participation in international volunteering and service.

Global Service Learning Research
International Service
Led by the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship at Haverford College, we surveyed students from multiple institutions of higher education who participated in global service learning.

Impacts of International Volunteer Workcamps on Young People
International Service
We analyzed data collected from the project Global Research on the Impact of International Voluntary Service during the summer of 2015.

Community Health Impacts of International Service in Uganda
Community and National Service
We designed a randomized clinical trial measuring the impacts of volunteer-based health trainings on behavior in central Uganda.

Impacts of International Service
International Service
Our project determines which features of voluntary service have the greatest impact on volunteers, host organizations, and community outcomes in Peru and Costa Rica.

International Service as Alternative Diplomacy
International Service
In collaboration with researchers at the University of Ottawa and the University of Technology Sydney, we investigate volunteering as a pathway to more effective foreign aid development policy, exploring how international volunteers engage in alternative public diplomacy roles.

Social Innovations in the Voluntary Sector
International Service
We investigate social innovations in the voluntary sector at the intersection of nonprofits and social enterprises