David A. Patterson Silver Wolf
CSD Faculty Director; Washington University in St. Louis
Native Families and Communities,
Race, Inequality, and Social Mobility
The late David Patterson Silver Wolf was a CSD faculty director in the Brown School at Washington University and co-led the Collaboration on Race, Inequality, and Social Mobility in America (CRISMA). His research made substantial contributions to the well-being of youth, Native families, and communities.
CSD Projects

Costs of Upward Social Mobility
Racial Discrimination and Health
We examine racial and ethnic differences in depression, including the effects of socioeconomic position and discrimination.

Increasing Student Retention in Forest Park Community College
Building Youth Resilience
We test whether a brief social belonging intervention will increase retention rates at a community college.

Native Assets
Asset Building
Our research examines the effectiveness of asset-building policies in Native communities and seeks to inform policy design to make inclusive asset-building policies.