Sondra Beverly

Sondra Beverly

CSD Senior Scholar, SEED for Oklahoma Kids

SONDRA BEVERLY, PhD, is a Senior Scholar at the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis. She is interested in social policy that supports financial and material wellbeing of families. Sondra has been involved in asset research for approximately two decades, including studies on saving at tax time and child development accounts. She earned her MSW and PhD at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis and an MA in Economics from the University of Missouri St. Louis.


American Dream Policy Demonstration (ADD)

American Dream Policy Demonstration (ADD)

Asset Building

This is the first large-scale demonstration of Individual Development Accounts, with approximately 2,400 accounts opened at 13 sites across the country. 

SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)

SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)

Asset Building

The SEED OK experiment, which began in 2007, is a large-scale policy test of universal, automatic, and progressive Child Development Accounts. The CDA uses the Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan platform.

College Success: Increasing Access through Inclusion in 529 Plans

College Success: Increasing Access through Inclusion in 529 Plans

Asset Building

CSD seeks to inform and put in place an inclusive 529 platform for educational savings to increase postsecondary degree success among lower-income children, youth, and non-traditional students.

Inclusion in 529 Savings Plans: Evidence from Maine

Inclusion in 529 Savings Plans: Evidence from Maine

Asset Building

The first statewide Child Development Account (CDA) in the U.S., Maine’s Harold Alfond College Challenge, stands as a shining example of universal and progressive accounts at birth. We study the College Challenge and document this CDA’s evolution.