​Ever the professor, Oliver gives audience a reading list

Melvin L. Oliver, PhD, a nationally recognized expert on racial and urban inequality, delivered a major speech Wednesday at Washington University in St. Louis, interspersing it with more than a dozen books he recommends.

Professor Putnam sounds alarm for ‘our kids’

Robert Putnam grew up in Port Clinton, Ohio. Back then, in the 1950s, children from both sides of the tracks in his working-class town went to school together, played sports together, knew each other and watched out for each other.

Robert Putnam lectures about ‘Our Kids’ on April 15

Robert D. Putnam is famous for his best-selling book “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,” which warned that Americans were withdrawing from each other and from civic life.

Renowned sociologist: U.S. version of capitalism is ‘needlessly mean’

“The real problem is that there has always been more than one version of capitalism,” renowned author, commentator and sociologist Xavier (“Xav”) de Souza Briggs, said Thursday in his speech “Toward a Just and Inclusive America,” at Washington University in St. Louis.

CSD’s 20th anniversary: Looking ahead

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this academic year, the Center for Social Development is expanding by bringing in new leaders and new bodies of work.

Larry Davis to talk on ‘The University, the Community, and Race’

As part of the Ferguson & Beyond Lecture Series, Dr. Larry E. Davis, dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Pittsburgh and former Brown School faculty member, will present the talk “The University, the Community, and Race.”