The purpose of this study is to review the current functionality of MIS IDA to assess its future viability as a management information tool in the growing IDA market. Participating stakeholders in the IDA field were asked to participate and provide feedback on their experiences with IDA programs and with MIS IDA. (Not all participants were MIS IDA users. Stakeholders included IDA program administrators, financial institutions maintaining accounts, funding partners, and program evaluators. See Appendix A for the list of participants on the feasibility study team).
Project: American Dream Policy Demonstration (ADD)
Johnson, L., Seagle, P., Robery, J., Trares, R., Bryce-Laporte, R., Friedman, B., … Tescher, J. (2001). Management Information System for Individual Development Accounts: A feasibility study (CSD Report No. 01-21). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.