MOKANSave was launched in February 2002 as a collaborative project between the Center for Social Development (CSD) and the Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW), in partnership with Heart of America Family Services and El Centro, Inc. The main project goal is to develop and further asset-building policy and programs in Missouri and Kansas, which may help individuals and families, pursue opportunities such as higher education and entrepreneurship. These policies and programs represent opportunities to build tangible assets in poor households and communities, promoting long-term investment in families’ financial and human capital and well-being. Specifically, other goals of MOKANSave include increasing access to information and research on asset-building strategies for low-to-moderate income individuals and families, assisting coalition-building efforts of organizations and groups across Missouri and Kansas, and providing assistance with policy efforts in both states.
Project: State Assets Policy Project
Kagotho, N., & Gunn, G. (2005). The Missouri–Kansas asset-building coalition and policy project: An initiative in cross-state policy making for wealth building (CSD Report No. 05-15). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.