Asset Building Briefs & Summaries Financial Inclusion

Visual Demonstration of Academic Performance and Parental Involvement in Ghana

Ghana struggles with socioeconomic inequality between northern and southern regions and rural and urban areas. This disparity could lead to a gap in equality and compromise future political stability. Therefore, this research brief is constructed as a visual demonstration of the performance from parents involved in the YouthSave program in Ghana regionally. The brief focuses on inter-regional disparity in children’s academic performance and parents’ involvement in education of their 12- to 14-year-old children. Knowing about such differences at baseline will allow YouthSave researchers to understand the possible interregional dynamics of YSA uptake and their impact on youth development outcomes.

Project: YouthSave


Ansong, D., & Chowa, G. A. N. (2013, September). Visual demonstration of academic performance and parental involvement in Ghana (YouthSave Research Brief No. 13-17). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.