Articles & Special Issues Inclusive Housing Thriving Communities

Hypermobility and Educational Outcomes: The Case of St. Louis

The school mobility rate in St. Louis Public Schools was 40% in 2011–2012, meaning that nearly half of students exited or entered a given school midway through the school year. This alarmingly high rate of churning across schools is accompanied by high neighborhood turnover, particularly within low-income, urban neighborhoods. This constant, disruptive change presents a serious and fundamental challenge for urban education. This article summarizes the literature linking mobility to educational outcomes, examines the causes of hypermobility in the case study of St. Louis, describes some of the current approaches to this challenge, and proposes additional policy and program solutions.

Project: Inclusive Housing


Metzger, M. W., Fowler, P. J., & Swanstrom, T. (2018). Hypermobility and educational outcomes: The case of St. Louis. Urban Education, 53(6), 774–805. doi:10.1177/0042085916682571