Cheng, L.-C. (2019). Policy innovation and policy realisation: The example of children future education and development accounts in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 48–58. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571942
Tag: Child Development Accounts (CDA)
The Saving for Every Child Program in Israel: An Overview of a Universal Asset-Building Policy
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Kondratjeva, O., Roll, S. P., Pinto, O., & Gottlieb, D. (2019). The Saving for Every Child Program in Israel: An overview of a universal asset-building policy. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 20–33. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1574600
Building Assets From Birth: Singapore’s Policies
Loke, V., & Sherraden, M. (2019). Building assets from birth: Singapore’s policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 6–19. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571940
Special Issue | Inclusive Child Development Accounts: Toward Universality and Progressivity
Huang, J., Zou, L., & Sherraden, M. (Eds.). (2019). Inclusive child development accounts: Toward universality and progressivity [Special issue]. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1).
Toward Universal, Progressive, and Lifelong Asset Building: Introduction to the Special Issue
Sherraden, M., Huang, J., & Zou, L. (2019). Toward universal, progressive, and lifelong asset building: Introduction to the special issue. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 1–5. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1575272
A Bill to Create the Bright Futures Plan Task Force: Testimony on H.B. 2389 Before the House Education Committee, Oregon State Legislature
Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. M. (2019, March). A bill to create the Bright Futures Plan Task Force: Testimony on H.B. 2389 before the House Education Committee, Oregon State Legislature (CSD Testimony No. 19-09). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
SEED for Oklahoma Kids Wave 3: Extending Rigorous Research and a Successful Policy Model
Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., & Beverly, S. G. (2019, March). SEED for Oklahoma Kids Wave 3: Extending Rigorous Research and a Successful Policy Model (CSD Research Brief No. 19-06). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Financial Inclusion and Financial Access
Birkenmaier, J., Despard, M., Friedline, T., & Huang, J. (2019, February). Financial inclusion and financial access. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1331
The Meadowlark Scholarship Act: Testimony on L.B. 544 Before the Education Committee, 106th Nebraska Legislature
Clancy, M. M. (2019). The Meadowlark Scholarship Act: Testimony on L.B. 544 before the Education Committee, 106th Nebraska Legislature (CSD Testimony No. 19-03). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Impacts of Child Development Accounts on Parenting Practices: Evidence from a Randomised Statewide Experiment
Huang, J., Nam, Y., Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. M. (2019). Impacts of child development accounts on parenting practices: evidence from a randomised statewide experiment. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 34–47. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1575270
Exploring a Model for Integrating Child Development Accounts With Social Services for Vulnerable Families
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Kim, Y., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2019). Exploring a model for integrating Child Development Accounts with social services for vulnerable families. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(3), 770–795.
Asset Building as Social Investment
Sherraden, M. (2018). Asset building as social investment. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 45(4), 35–54. doi:10.7936/d50p-as46
Universal and Progressive Child Development Accounts: A Policy Innovation to Reduce Educational Disparity
Sherraden, M., Clancy, M., Nam, Y., Huang, J., Kim, Y., Beverly, S. G., … Purnell, J. Q. (2018). Universal and progressive Child Development Accounts: A policy innovation to reduce educational disparity. Urban Education, 53(6), 806-833. doi:10.1177/0042085916682573
How Do Changes to 529 Rules Affect Children’s Savings Account Programs?
Clancy, M. M., Markoff, S., & King, J. (2018, May). How do changes to 529 rules affect children’s savings account programs? (CSD Research Brief No. 18-24). Washington, DC: Prosperity Now, Washington University, Center for Social Development, and New America.
Family Assets, Parental Expectations, and Children Educational Performance: An Empirical Examination From China
Fang, S., Huang, J., Curley, J., & Birkenmaier, J. (2018). Family assets, parental expectations, and children educational performance: An empirical examination from China. Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 60–68. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.02.018
How Can States Seize the Moment and Reform College Savings?
King, J., & Clancy, M. M. (2018, March 22). How can states seize the moment and reform college savings? New America Weekly, edition 199.
529 Plan Investment Growth and a Quasi-Default Investment for Child Development Accounts
Clancy, M. M., & Beverly, S. G. (2017, November). 529 plan investment growth and a quasi-default investment for Child Development Accounts (CSD Policy Brief No. 17-42). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Statewide Child Development Account Policies: Key Design Elements
Clancy, M. M., & Beverly, S. G. (2017). Statewide Child Development Account policies: Key design elements (CSD Policy Report No. 17-30). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Child Development Accounts, Parental Savings, and Parental Educational Expectations: A Path Model
Kim, Y., Huang, J., Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. (2017). Child Development Accounts, parental savings, and parental educational expectations: A path model. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 20–28. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.05.021
Asset Limits for Means-Tested Public Assistance: Considerations for Child Development Account Proponents
Beverly, S. G., & Clancy, M. M. (2017, April). Asset limits for means-tested public assistance: Considerations for Child Development Account proponents (CSD Policy Brief No. 17-24). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Start Lifelong Asset Building With Universal and Progressive Child Development Accounts
Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., & Shanks, T. R. (2017, March). Start lifelong asset building with universal and progressive Child Development Accounts (Policy Action No. 11.1). Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative.
Behavioral Interventions to Increase Tax-Time Saving: Evidence From a National Randomized Trial
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Russell, B. D., Gale, W. G., Key, C., & Ariely, D. (2017). Behavioral interventions to increase tax-time saving: Evidence from a national randomized trial. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51(1), 3–26. doi:10.1111/joca.12114
Financial Capability
Sherraden, M. S. (2017). Financial capability. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1201
Do Savings and Assets Reduce Need-Based Aid for Dependent Students?
Clancy, M., & Beverly, S. (2017, February). Do savings and assets reduce need-based aid for dependent students? (CSD Policy Brief No. 17-10). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Unmarried Mothers and Children’s Social-Emotional Development: The Role of Child Development Accounts
Huang, J., Kim, Y., Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. M. (2017). Unmarried mothers and children’s social-emotional development: The role of Child Development Accounts. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(1), 234–247. doi:10.1007/s10826-016-0551-1
Asset Building: Toward Inclusive Policy
Sherraden, M., Johnson, L., Clancy, M., Beverly, S. G., Sherraden, M., Schreiner, M., … Han, C.-K. (2016). Asset building: Toward inclusive policy (CSD Working Paper No. 16-49). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
International Child Development Accounts
Sherraden, M., CHENG, L.-C., Ssewamala, F. M., KIM, Y., Loke, V., ZOU, L., … HAN, C.-K. (2016). International Child Development Accounts (CSD Working Paper No. 16-48). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Under review with theEncyclopedia of Social Work(Oxford University Press).
Material Hardship and Children’s Social-Emotional Development: Testing Mitigating Effects of Child Development Accounts in a Randomized Experiment
Huang, J., Kim, Y., & Sherraden M. (2017). Material hardship and children’s social-emotional development: Testing mitigating effects of Child Development Accounts in a randomized experiment. Child: Care, Health and Development, 43(1), 89–96. doi:10.1111/cch.12385
Financial Outcomes in SEED for Oklahoma Kids
Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., & Sherraden, M. (2016, June). Financial outcomes in SEED for Oklahoma Kids (CSD Fact Sheet No. 16-23). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The Burden of Student Debt: Findings From a Survey of Low- and Moderate-Income Households
Despard, M. R., Taylor, S. H., Perantie, D. C., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2016, May). The burden of student debt: Findings from a survey of low- and moderate-income households (CSD Research Brief No. 16-15). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Racial Disparities in Education Debt Burden Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Perantie, D. C., Taylor, S. H., Guo, S., & Raghavan, R. (2016). Racial disparities in education debt burden among low- and moderate-income households. Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 166–174. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.04.010
Frequently Asked Questions About the Features of Child Development Accounts in Israel
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Covington, M., Brewster, M., & Oliphant, J. E. (2016, April). Frequently asked questions about the features of Child Development Accounts in Israel (CSD Fact Sheet No. 16-12). St. Louis, MO.
A Savings Account for Every Child Born in Israel: Recommendations for Program Implementation
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Covington, M., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2016, April). A savings account for every child born in Israel: Recommendations for program implementation (CSD Policy Brief No. 16-11). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Research Summary: Universal Accounts at Birth: Results From SEED for Oklahoma Kids
Beverly, S. G., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2016, March). Universal accounts at birth: Results from SEED for Oklahoma Kids (CSD Research Summary No. 16-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Testing Universal Child Development Accounts: Financial Impacts in a Large Social Experiment
Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Sherraden, M., & Huang, J. (2016). Testing universal Child Development Accounts: Financial impacts in a large social experiment (CSD Working Paper No. 16-08). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset-Based Policy in South Korea
Kim, Y., Zou, L., Weon, S., Sherraden, M., & Choi, J. Y. (2015, December). Asset-based policy in South Korea (CSD Policy Brief No. 15-48). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Building Children’s Assets in Singapore: The Beginning of a Lifelong Policy
Loke, V., & Sherraden, M. (2015, December). Building children’s assets in Singapore: The beginning of a lifelong policy (CSD Policy Brief No. 15-51). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Toward Productive Research Agendas in Financial Inclusion, Security, and Development
Sherraden, M., & Sherraden, M. S. (2015). Toward productive research agendas in financial inclusion, security, and development. In L. Choi, D. Erickson, K. Griffin, A. Levere, & E. Seidman (Eds.), What it’s worth: Strengthening the financial future of families, communities and the nation (pp. 355–369). San Francisco, CA: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Corporation for Enterprise Development.
Universal Accounts at Birth: Building Knowledge to Inform Policy
Sherraden, M., Clancy, M., Nam, Y., Huang, J., Kim, Y., Beverly, S. G., … Purnell, J. Q. (2015). Universal accounts at birth: Building knowledge to inform policy. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 6(4), 541–564. doi:10.1086/684139
Youth Saving Patterns and Performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal: Key Findings
Johnson, L., Lee, Y., Ansong, D., Sherraden, M. S., Chowa, G. A. N., Ssewamala, F., … Saavedra, J. (2015, September). Youth savings patterns and performance in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal: Key findings (CSD Research Brief No. 15-55). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The SEED for Oklahoma Kids Child Development Account Experiment: Accounts, Assets, Earnings, and Savings
Beverly, S. G., Clancy, M. M., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2015, October). The SEED for Oklahoma Kids Child Development Account experiment: Accounts, assets, earnings, and savings (CSD Research Brief No. 15-29). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset-Based Policy in China: Applied Projects and Policy Progress
Zou, L., Guo, B., Deng, S., Huang, J., Jin, M., & Sherraden, M. (2015, September). Asset-based policy in China: Applied projects and policy progress (CSD Policy Brief No. 15-49). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Voices of Youth, Parents, and Stakeholders: Findings From Case Studies in the YouthSave Project
Zou, L., Myers-Tlapek, S., Sherraden, M. S., Gabbert, J. W., Ritterbusch, A., Appiah, E., … Maharjan, M. (2015). Voices of youth, parents, and stakeholders: Findings from case studies in the YouthSave Project (YouthSave Research Report No 15-31). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Financial Capability and Asset Development: Research, Education, Policy, and Practice
Birkenmaier, J., Sherraden, M. S., & Curley, J. (2013). Financial capability and asset development: Research, education, policy, and practice. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Statement Given in Bridging the Gap: How Prepared Are Americans for Retirement? Hearing Before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2015, March 12). Statement given in Bridging the Gap: How Prepared Are Americans for Retirement? Hearing before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging (CSD Perspective No. 15-25). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Can Child Development Accounts Be Inclusive? Early Evidence From a Statewide Experiment
Beverly, S. G., Kim, Y., Sherraden, M., Nam, Y., & Clancy, M. (2015). Can Child Development Accounts be inclusive? Early evidence from a statewide experiment. Children and Youth Services Review, 53, 92–104. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.03.003
Special Issue | Starting Early for Financial Success: Capability Into Action
Grinstein-Weiss, M., & Sherraden, M. S. (Eds.). (2015). Starting early for financial success: Capability into action [Special issue]. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49(1).
Child Development Accounts and Parental Educational Expectations for Young Children: Early Evidence From a Statewide Social Experiment
Kim, Y., Sherraden, M., Huang, J., & Clancy, M. (2015). Child Development Accounts and parental educational expectations for young children: Early evidence from a statewide social experiment. Social Service Review, 89(1), 99–137. doi:10.1086/680014
Creating Financial Capability in the Next Generation: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Sherraden, M. S., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2015). Creating financial capability in the next generation: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49(1), 1–12. doi:10.1111/joca.12067
College Savings Plans: A Platform for Inclusive and Progressive Child Development Accounts
Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., & Beverly, S. G. (2015, January). College savings plans: A platform for inclusive and progressive Child Development Accounts (CSD Policy Brief No. 15-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.