Ghana struggles with socioeconomic inequality between northern and southern regions and rural and urban areas. This disparity could lead to a gap in equality and compromise future political stability. Therefore, this research brief is constructed as a visual demonstration of the performance from parents involved in the YouthSave program in Ghana regionally. The brief focuses on inter-regional disparity in children’s academic performance and parents’ involvement in education of their 12- to 14-year-old children. Knowing about such differences at baseline will allow YouthSave researchers to understand the possible interregional dynamics of YSA uptake and their impact on youth development outcomes.
Project: YouthSave
Ansong, D., & Chowa, G. A. N. (2013, September). Visual demonstration of academic performance and parental involvement in Ghana (YouthSave Research Brief No. 13-17). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.