Financially vulnerable families face numerous challenges that can adversely affect their children’s development. This brief reports on the effects of Child Development Accounts (CDAs) in families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or Head Start. Consistent with previous SEED OK research using broader samples of Oklahoma families, this study finds positive CDA impacts for financially vulnerable families: Educational expectations and positive parenting scores are higher for mothers of children with CDAs. The effects of the CDA on maternal depressive symptoms and positive parenting practices were greater for families that participated in TANF or Head Start than for families that did not. The full analyses are reported in the Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Project: College Success; SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Kim, Y., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2019, October). Financially vulnerable families reap multiple benefits from Child Development Accounts (CSD Research Brief No. 19-40). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.