Articles & Special Issues Asset Building Financial Inclusion

Asset Building as Social Investment

Asset-building policies have been widely adopted since the middle of the 20th century, but most lack features that would make them accessible to all populations—features such as universal at-birth enrollment and progressive incentive structures. Because these policies are not inclusive, they primarily serve the well-off and are highly regressive. In this contribution to Social Investments, Asset Building, and Social Development—the State of the Art: A Special Issue in Honor of James Midgley, Michael Sherraden continued the work of formulating a proposal for a national policy to foster broad economic security by extending the benefits of asset accumulation to all members of society.


Sherraden, M. (2018). Asset building as social investment. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 45(4), 35–54. doi:10.7936/d50p-as46