The main objective of the investigation is to study the Argentine service-learning experience and in this way promote its application to the Latin American context. The main questions then revolve around what are the main characteristics that define service-learning as it is practiced in this country. In Argentina is it possible to define a type of school that realizes community service-learning projects? What characteristics do they have in common?
For the Spanish version of this source, see
Project: K-12 Service Learning in Argentina Schools
Tapia, M. N., González, A., & Elicegui, P. (2005). K–12 service learning in Argentina [Aprendizaje y servicio solidario en las escuelas Argentinas: Una visión descriptiva a partir de las ecperiencias presentadas al Premio Presidencial Esquelas Soliarias (2000–2001)] (CSD Research Report No. 05-21). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.