The Earned income tax credit (EITC) is regarded as one of the largest antipoverty policies in the United States. Unlike traditional cash benefits, the EITC is received as a lump sum tax refund. This research brief looks at new proposals from policymakers and advocates that seek to increase savings around tax time. These proposals could help low-income households with rainy-day funds and buffers from financial shocks. The survey highlights how matched savings could increase taxpayers interest in this project.
Project: Refund to Savings (R2S)
Perantie, D. C., Oliphant, J. E., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2016, January). Support for a tax-time savings policy: Interest in deferring tax refunds with matched incentives (CSD Research Brief No. 16-03). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.