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Teaching Note—Course Models for Increased Competency for Practice Integrated With Financial Capability and Asset Building

How are programs incorporating financial capability and asset building into their curriculum?

This teaching note examines the rationale for including financial capability and asset-building content in the profession’s curriculum. It also offers guidance on implementing that content within four distinct course models: an online intensive course, a stand-alone full course, an infused course, and a continuing education course. The authors conclude by considering the implications of this work for the Council on Social Work Education’s Education Policy and Accreditation Standards and for education policy.

Project: Financial Capability & Asset Building (FCAB)


Birkenmaier, J., Lane, L. B., Callahan, C., & Hageman, S. A. (2021). Teaching note—Course models for increased competency for practice integrated with financial capability and asset building. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(3), 604–611. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2020.1714522