What is economic security, and what policies can help more families achieve it?
In talking about the New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt provided a vision for what economic security should look like in America, a vision that CSD Faculty Director William Elliott III elaborates in this essay. To be secure, Elliott notes, families require enough to live by and something to live for; that is, they require income and assets. Elliott makes the case that policy has a vital role to play in creating and sustaining this security.
This Perspective presents remarks given by Elliott during “What Economic Security Looks Like and How to Get There,” May 18, 2022.
Project: Grand Challenges for Social Work
Elliott, W., III. (2022, May). Economic security from an asset perspective (CSD Perspective No. 22-19). Washington University, Center for Social Development, and University of Michigan, Center on Assets Education, and Inclusion. https://doi.org/10.7936/k416-s702