Moving Forward from SECURE 2.0: Building on the Law’s Most Effective Provisions, Closing the Access Gap, and Reforming Social Security

Sprick, E. (with Despard, M., & Roll, S.). (2025). Moving forward from SECURE 2.0: Building on the law’s most effective provisions, closing the access gap, and reforming social security. Bipartisan Policy Center.

PCCI Direct Cash Transfer Project: Final Report

Hamilton, L., Roll, S., & Zhang, G. (2025). PCCI Direct Cash Transfer Project: Final Report. Appalachian State University, Family Economic Policy Lab.

The National Fund for Children in Kazakhstan

Huseynli, A., Zou, L., Sherraden, M., & Huang, J. (2024). The National Fund for Children in Kazakhstan (Policy Brief No. 24-17). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Environment and Health in Nigeria: Capacity and Research Development

Ekenga, C. C., Mason, L. R., & Mustapha, A. (2021, December). Environment and health in Nigeria: Capacity and research development (CSD Research Brief No. 21-38). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Transforming 529 College Savings Plans: Grow Assets for Everyone, Grow the Country

Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. M. (2021). Transforming 529 college savings plans: grow assets for everyone, grow the country. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 251–257). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Aspen Institute.

We Have Clean Water and Clean Air: Why Not Clean Finance, Too? A Vision for Inclusion and Equity

Huang, J., Sherraden, M., & Sherraden, M. S. (2021). We have clean water and clean air: Why not clean finance, too? A vision for inclusion and equity. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 83–89). Federal Reserve Bank and Aspen Institute.

Human Service Professionals: A Ready Workforce for Financial Capability

Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., & Jones, J. L. (2021). Human service professionals: A ready workforce for financial capability. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 193–199). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Aspen Institute.

The Case for a Nationwide Child Development Account Policy: A Policy Brief Developed by CDA Experts and Researchers

Cisneros, J., Clancy, M. M., Elliott, W., III, Feinstein, A., Kanter, M., Karcher-Ramos, M., Kugler, C., Peachey, J., Quint, C., Shapiro, T. M., & Sherraden, M. (2021, August). The case for a nationwide Child Development Account policy: A policy brief developed by CDA experts and researchers (CSD Policy Brief No. 21-20). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Redesigning College Savings (529) Plans to Achieve Inclusive Child Development Accounts: A Policy Brief Developed by CDA Experts and Researchers

Cisneros, J., Clancy, M. M., Elliott, W., III, Feinstein, A., Kanter, M., Karcher-Ramos, M., Kugler, C., Peachey, J., Quint, C., Shapiro, T. M., & Sherraden, M. (2021, August). Redesigning college savings (529) plans to achieve inclusive Child Development Accounts: A policy brief developed by CDA experts and researchers (CSD Policy Brief No. 21-21). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

FCAB Africa: Summary of Achievements as of July 2021

Center for Social Development. (2021, July). FCAB Africa: Summary of achievements as of July 2021 (CSD Fact Sheet No. 21-13). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, Challenges, and Next Steps

Johnson, L., Sherraden, M. S., McClendon, G., Birkenmaier, J., Frey, J., Callahan, C., Huang, J., & Rothwell, D. (2021). Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, challenges, and next steps (CSD Conference Report No. 21-11). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Financial Outcomes in a Child Development Account Experiment: Full Inclusion, Success Regardless of Race or Income, and Investment Growth for All

Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Schreiner, M., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Financial outcomes in a Child Development Account experiment: Full inclusion, success regardless of race or income, investment growth for all (CSD Research Summary 21-06). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Addressing the Burden of Education Financing in Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: The Role of Savings Accounts, Cash Transfers, and Other Income Sources

Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Otchere, F., Koomson, I., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Addressing the burden of education financing in low and lower middle income countries: The role of savings accounts, cash transfers, and other income sources. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42(4), 745–756.

Toward Finance as a Public Good

Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Toward finance as a public good (CSD Working Paper No. 21-03). Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Financial Capability and Asset Building in Social and Economic Development: Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Johnson, L., & Zou, L. (2020, November). Financial capability and asset building in social and economic development: Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (CSD Perspective No. 20-27). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Asset-Building Policy in Korea: Innovation for Social Development

This Perspective is adapted from Michael Sherraden’s keynote address given during the “Ceremony Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Self Sufficiency & Welfare Policy and 10th Anniversary of Asset Building Policy” in Korea. The Perspective is presented through a partnership between the Center for Social Development, the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare, and the Korea […]

Cash Transfers and Health

Sun, S., Huang, J., Hudson, D., & Sherraden, M. (2020). Cash transfers and health (CSD Working Paper No. 20-16). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Accountable Policing: Policies to Advance the Personal Safety of Black Boys and Young Men

Motley, R. O., Jr., Finner, A., Walker, M., & Joe, S. (2020, June). Accountable policing: Policies to advance the personal safety of Black boys and young men (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 3). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.