Finsel, C., & Russ, J. (2005). Exploration and use of Individual Development Accounts by three American Indian tribes in Oregon (CSD Report No. 05-17). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Category: Asset Building
Achieving the American Dream? a Longitudinal Analysis of the Homeownership Experiences of Low-Income Households
Reid, C. K. (2005). Achieving the American dream? A longitutinal analysis of the homeownership experiences of low-income households (CSD Working Paper No. 05-20). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Enhancing the Value of the Rural Experience Through Improved Connectivity
Dabson, B. (2005). Enhancing the value of the rural experience through improved connectivity (CSD Working Paper No. 05-49). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset-Building in Tribal Communities: Generating Native Discussion and Practical Approaches
Hicks, S., Edwards, K., Dennis, M. K., & Finsel, C. (2005). Asset-building in tribal communities: Generating Native discussion and practical approaches (CSD Policy Report No. 05-19). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving and Asset Accumulation Among Low-Income Families With Children in IDAs
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Wagner, K., & Ssewamala, F. (2005). Saving and asset accumulation among low-income families with children in IDAs (CSD Working Paper No. 05-09). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The Missouri-Kansas Asset-Building Coalition and Policy Project: An Initiative in Cross-State Policy Making for Wealth Building
Kagotho, N., & Gunn, G. (2005). The Missouri–Kansas asset-building coalition and policy project: An initiative in cross-state policy making for wealth building (CSD Report No. 05-15). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Status of State Supported IDA Programs in 2005
Warren, N., & Edwards, K. (2005). Status of state supported IDA programs in 2005 (CSD Policy Report No. 05-03). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Impact of Asset Ownership on Social Inclusion
Lombe, M., & Sherraden, M. (2005). Impact of asset ownership on social inclusion (CSD Working Paper No. 05-06). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
ADD: Lessons From the UK
Maxwell, D., & Paxton, W. (2005). ADD: Lessons from the UK (CSD Research Report No. 05-39). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs): A Good Match?
Edwards, K. (2005). Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) and individual development accounts (IDAs): A good match? (CSD Policy Report No. 05-02). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Evaluation of the American Dream Demonstration: Impacts of IDAs on Participant Savings and Asset Ownership
Mills, G. (2005). Evaluation of the American Dream Demonstration: Impacts of IDAs on participant savings and asset ownership (CSD Research Report No. 05-34). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
ADD Implementation Assessment: Design, Implementation, and Administration of Individual Development Account Programs in the American Dream Demonstration
Adams, D. (2005). ADD implementation assessment: Design, implementation, and administration of Individual Development Account programs in the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Research Report No. 05-33). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
From Individual Development Accounts to Community Asset Building: An Exploration in Bridging People- and Place-Based Strategies
Rice, S. (2005). From Individual Development Accounts to community asset building: An exploration in bridging people- and place-based strategies (CSD Research Report No. 05-05). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
SEED Universal Policy Model and Research Request for Proposal
Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. (2005). SEED universal policy model and research: Request for proposal. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
SEED Universal Policy Model and Research
Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. (2005). SEED universal policy model and research. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Inclusion in Asset Building: Testimony for Hearing on “Building Assets for Low-Income Families” Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy Senate Finance Committee
Sherraden, M. (2005, April). Inclusion in asset building: Testimony for hearing on “Building Assets for Low-Income Families” before the Subcommitte on Social Security and Family Policy Senate Finance Committee (CSD Perspective No. 05-24). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving in ADD: Measures From MIS IDA
Schreiner, M., & Sherraden, M. (2005). Saving in ADD: Measures from MIS IDA (CSD Report No. 05-41). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The Impacts of the American Dream Demonstration on Savings and Asset-Building in Canada
Nares, P. (2005). The impacts of the American Dream Demonstration on savings and asset-building in Canada (CSD Report No. 05-40). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Hope in Concrete Form: The Downpayments on the American Dream Demonstration: Conception, Contributions, Challenges, and Consequences
Friedman, R. (2005). Hope in concrete form: The downpayments on the American Dream Demonstration: Conception, contributions, challenges, and consequences (CSD Report No. 05-37). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving in Low-Income Households: Evidence From Interviews With Participants in the American Dream Demonstration
Sherraden, M., McBride, A. M., Johnson, E., Hanson, S., Ssewamala, F., & Williams Shanks, T. (2005). Saving in low-income households: Evidence from interviews with participants in the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Report No. 05-68). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Financial Services and Savings: Theory and Evidence From the American Dream Demonstration
Barr, M. S. (2005). Financial services and savings: Theory and evidence from the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Report No. 05-35). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The Effect of Health Insurance on Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts
Banov, R. (2005). The effect of health insurance on savings outcomes in Individual Development Accounts (CSD Report No. 05-29). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Examples of Successful Wealth Building in Rural Areas
Schumacher, J., & Ulmer, A. (2005). Examples of successful wealth building in rural areas (CSD Working Paper No. 05-48). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset-Building Programs for People With Disabilities in Rural Areas: Including Independent Living and Long-Term Care Planning Education
Putnam, M., & Tang, F. (2005). Asset-building programs for people with disabilities in rural areas: Including independent living and and long-term care planning education (CSD Working Paper No. 05-47). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
African-American: Building the Country, Losing the Land
Williams Shanks, T. R. (2005). African-American: Building the country, losing the land (CSD Working Paper No. 05-43). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Rural Wealth Building: Native Americans
Henson, E., Lee, A., & Nathan, L. (2005). Rural wealth building: Native Americans (CSD Working Paper No. 05-42). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Mutual Wealth in Rural America
Nadeau, E. G., & Howard, E. (2005). Mutual wealth in rural America (CSD Working Paper No. 05-46). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Section 529 Savings Plans, Access to Post-Secondary Education, and Universal Asset Building
Clancy, M., Cramer, R., & Parrish, L. (2005, February). Section 529 savings plans, access to post-secondary education, and universal asset building (New America Foundation Issue Brief No. 7). Washington, DC: New America Foundation and Washington University, Center for Social Development.
In-Depth Interviews With SEED Youth: Profiles of Participants in a Pilot Study
Scanlon, E., & Adams, D. (2005). In-depth interviews with SEED youth: Profiles of participants in a pilot study (CSD Working Paper No. 05-25). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Account Monitoring Report 2004
Clancy, M. (2005). Account monitoring report (SEED Research Report No. 05-59). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Account Monitoring Report at June 30, 2005
LaRock, R., & Clancy, M. (2005). Account monitoring report at June 30, 2005 (SEED Research Report No. 05-58). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Participants in SEED: A Report From Account Monitoring Research
Loke, V., & Clancy, M. (2005). Participants in SEED: A report from account monitoring research (SEED Research Report No. 05-57). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Immigrants in Rural America: Finding a Foothold, Creating a Home
Miller, K. K. (2005). Immigrants in rural America: Finding a foothold, creating a home (CSD Working Paper No. 05-44). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Savings Outcomes of Older Adults Participating IDAs: Findings from the American Dream Demonstration
Putnam, M., Morrow-Howell, N., Zhang, L., Sherraden, M. (2004). Savings outcomes of older adults participating IDAs: Findings from the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Research Report). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Profile of Older Adults Participating IDAs: Findings from the American Dream Demonstration
Putnam, M., Morrow-Howell, N., Zhang, L., Sherraden, M. (2004). Profile of older adults participating IDAs: Findings from the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Research Report). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Overcoming Poverty: Supported Saving as a Household Development Strategy
Sherraden, M. S., Williams Shanks, T., McBride, A. M., & Ssewamala, F. M. (2004). Overcoming poverty: Supported saving as a household development strategy (CSD Working Paper No. 04-13). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving for Post-Secondary Education in Individual Development Accounts
Zhan, M., & Schreiner, M. (2004). Saving for post-secondary education in Individual Development Accounts (CSD Working Paper No. 04-11). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset Building Through Community Participation: Re-Stocking Pastoralists Following Drought in Northern Kenya
Lesorogol, C. K. (2004). Asset building through community participation: Re-stocking pastoralists following drought in northern Kenya (CSD Working Paper No. 04-09). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Measuring Saving
Schreiner, M. (2004). Measuring saving (CSD Working Paper No. 04-08). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
The Impacts of Household Wealth on Child Development
Williams, T. R. (2004). The impacts of household wealth on child development (CSD Working Paper No. 04-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Cost-Effectiveness in Individual Development Accounts
Schreiner, M., Ng, G. T., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Cost-effectiveness in Individual Development Accounts (CSD Working Paper No. 04-03). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Support for Microenterprise as Asset-Building: Concepts, Good Practices, and Measurement
Schreiner, M. (2004). Support for microenterprise as asset-building: Concepts, good practices, and measurement (CSD Working Paper No. 04-06). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Match Rates, Individual Development Accounts, and Saving by the Poor
Schreiner, M. (2004). Match rates, Individual Development Accounts, and saving by the poor (CSD Working Paper No. 04-02). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Integrating Savings Into Microenterprise Programs for the Poor: Do Institutions Matter?
Ssewamala, F. M., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Integrating savings into microenterprise programs for the poor: Do institutions matter? (CSD Working Paper No. 04-05). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving Performance in Individual Development Accounts: Does Marital Status Matter?
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Zhan, M., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Saving performance in Individual Development Accounts: Does marital status matter? (CSD Working Paper No. 04-01). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Racial Differences in Performance in a Matched Savings Program
Grinstein-Weiss, M., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Racial differences in performance in a matched savings program (CSD Working Paper No. 04-04). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Program Costs for Individual Development Accounts: Final Figures From CAPTC in Tulsa
Schreiner, M. (2004). Program costs for Individual Development Accounts: Final figures from CAPTC in Tulsa (CSD Report No. 04-17). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Saving for Microenterprise in Individual Development Accounts: Lessons From the American Dream Demonstration
Ssewamala, F. M., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Saving for microenterprise in Individual Development Accounts: Lessons from the American Dream Demonstration (CSD Report No. 04-18). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset Building: Increasing Capacity for Performance Measurement and Effects
McBride, A. M., Hanson S. L., Beverly, S. G., Schreiner, M., Sherraden, M., & Johnson, L. (2004). Asset building: Increasing capacity for performance measurement and effects (CSD Report No. 04-23). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
SEED Account Monitoring Report 2003
Clancy, M. (2004). Account monitoring report 2003 (SEED Research Report No. 04-16). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.